Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa


WaterKeep the soil moist but not wet
FertilizeSlow releaser during the growing season
SunlightIt like bright light, but will adapt in low-light

Bring a piece of central America to your home

Monsteras are a species of evergreen tropical vines or shrubs that are native to Central America. Part of Araceae, the aroid family, they are one of a few aroids that produce edible fruit, particularly, M. deliciosa, hence the species epithet. However, they rarely flower or produce edible fruit indoors.

Commonly used for trailing purposes, this plant can take over a whole house wall, corner or whatever you like if a guide is provided thanks to its aerial roots (the same as other plants like pothos use).

Where to place your Monstera

Commonly used for trailing purposes, this plant can take over a whole house wall, corner, or whatever you like if a guide is provided thanks to its aerial roots (the same as other plants like pothos use).

Beautiful giant leaves

One of the best features of monsteras are its wild big leaves that have fenestrations. Fenetrations and nothing else than holes. By modifying the leaf structure to have holes, the same area of leaf can cover a greater area.

Monstera Deliciosa

One of the most trendy plants of 2020, the Monstera Deliciosa is one of the most precious houseplants of the decade. It has become a recommended choice for its balance between beautiful look and easy maintenance.

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